Tuesday 24 September 2013

Mindless practices and the consequences you think don’t exist.

All through our lives we are taught to trust outsourced influences with the choices that need to be made to help sustain life as we know it. We have been taught that right and wrong is no longer black and white, we have been taught to use tools around us to help enhance our performance as a member of society and also become vulnerable to the gullibility thrown at us by the powers that are supposed to protect us. However, people are now starting to wake up and use these tools to expose the horrible thruths that we are allowing (blindly for the most part) to take course. Genocides, hate, warcrimes, poverty, cancers, disease, energy loss, and ofcourse the inevitable amount of destruction to our home Earth. Communities are falling between the cracks. More and more people are falling victim to vicious attacks through war, failing to aquire health care, mental health conditions are at an all time high, hate groups are claiming religious identity, evictions and bankruptcy (this often leads to broken homes and child abuse and the like), and so much more. This is happening right in our back yards, without even looking in on our neighbouring nations.  What we are facing is much more than a recession with no hopes of recovering, but a world that is falling apart and the invitation to be enslaved by the corrupt who seek to reduce our population to ensure their reign over the world.

We have been taught to understand that world domination is to be punished, to be impossible as our government would not allow it. What we were not taught through our mainstream education facilities, is that we have been dominated. They speak of a possible one world order, as it is a conspiracy theory, this is irrelevant, as strings are already being pulled. The idea of eventually acheiving a population of only 500 000 000 is a fear that is already coming to pass, increase in cancers, and man made viruses, uneven distribution of necessary resources, unjust wars, a dependant need for monetary possession, etc. We know this going on and I can cite many more examples of crisis we are undergoing, but we need a solution. We have caught on in an extremely crucial time, we can sit and educate for decades, but the time we have lost is already created wounds that will leave scars that we cannot hide from sight. I apologize if you are late in the wake up and cannot begrudge that at all as it is generations of sleeping that has hurt us the most, and that is no one person(s) fault as we have been brainwashed for so long. I can only advise that you seek to self educate yourself, research has never been more vital.

Through the workload we as the common people thrust upon daily, we need to be mindful of the actions we contribute to. We can be mad with the oppresors; however, anger will not alone correct the wrong doing that has already taken place; we need will. The will to make the conscious decision to do better, to make better, and to be better.  Slaktavism is no longer a value to the people. Hiding your voice by a keyboard and fabricated online identities. If you cannot stand to face the cause, you cannot attibute affectively. We need more than a revolution, we need to save our lifestyles, and thusly saving ourselves. Movements are breaking out all over the world, Occupy being the most mainstream, distracting the everyday people from seeing the bigger picture. It is time to accept responsibility for the way our world has become, and what we have allowed. If we had caught on earlier and cared about the realistic coup that had taken power of our society earlier, we could have the ability to turn deaf ears. Action is what will save us, realizing that we have aided the “powers that be” to conquer our resources, our sustainability, and our minds”.  Now as a people, we have to decide on our next move, what are willing to do to restore the humanity in our world? Can we care enough to save us all, our become caught up in only our horrors and follow history to become a new society who has picked eachother off in hopes of becoming that 1-2%. The corrupt has been exposed, and to allow continuance would allow us to be as corrupt in this allowance.  Action is key and preseverence in necessary. It is now time for change, and not repeat history, we have the power to change the pattern in our history, to not repeat it. To set ourselves free and to remain that way. There is a saying “well done is better than well said”, bring this to life. Talk truths, and rid this fabricated media era that has blinded us. Do not accommodate the ignorant as we know that there is not real bliss there. Unite in solidarity for people all over the world, not people(s). Unless you are willing to act in change, there will be no change, and you will be condemning the world to thrive only on the dying.  It is a harsh reality ,and now that is exposed to us, who are we to destroy mankind in the future?

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